Association between red meat consumption and cancer risk

  • Marija Boskovic University in Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Milan Baltic University in Belgrade - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Keywords: red meat, PAH, HAA, colorectal cancer, diet and life style habits


A b s t r a c t: Cancer is leading cause of mortality worldwide. It is assumed that cancer risk is mainly affected by environmental factors including diet habits. Among other food, it is considered that red meat consumption is linked to increased risk of cancer. Formation of mutagens, heterocyclic aromatic amines, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mainly depend on cooking methods and is the highest in pan fried and barbecued meat. Fat, N-nitroso compounds and haeme iron which are also found in meat and meat products are considered to influence the occurrence of cancer. Colorectal cancer is the most often associated with red meat consumption, but studies show that meat eating may increase the risk for other types of cancer including breast cancer, gastric cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, laryngeal cancer and bladder, kidney, and endometrial tumours.

How to Cite
Boskovic, M., & Baltic, M. (2017). Association between red meat consumption and cancer risk. Scientific Journal "Meat Technology", 57(2), 81-88. Retrieved from
Review paper